Collection: Marco Rea


Marco Rèa, (Roma,1975)

è un artista, street artist e fashion illustrator italiano. Ha condotto studi artistici dapprima al liceo, poi studiando fumetto ed infine laureandosi in storia dell’arte contemporanea.  Per anni è stato a stretto contatto con la scena del writing romano e dei graffiti. Ha esposto in noti musei italiani ed in numerose gallerie in Europa, Stati Uniti, e Giappone ed ha collaborato con personalità di fama mondiale. Ha realizzato opere murarie di grandi dimensioni per diversi comuni e festival di Street Art insieme ai nomi più noti d’Italia e d’Europa. Con la sua pittura dal 2005 ad oggi ha indagato la figura umana e in particolare il ritratto femminile ed i suoi lati più intimi, emozionali e psicologici. Ha realizzato illustrazioni per Vogue Italia, Vogue Turchia, Tatler UK, LampoonItalia etc. Ha collaborato per brand e marchi come Fendi, Disney/Marvel, Universal Pictures, Mondadori Electa, Liberty London etc.  I suoi lavori sono stati pubblicati su diversi libri di arte contemporanea, street art e faschion illustration.

Marco Rèa, (Rome,1975)

is an Italian artist street artist and fashion illustrator. He conducted artistic studies first in high school, then studying comics and finally graduating in history of contemporary art. For years he has been in close contact with the Roman writing and graffiti scene. He has exhibited in well-known Italian museums and in numerous galleries in Europe, the United States, and Japan and has collaborated with world-famous personalities. He has created large-scale wall works for various municipalities and Street Art festivals together with the most well-known names in Italy and Europe. With his painting from 2005 to today he has investigated the human figure and in particular the female portrait and its most intimate, emotional and psychological sides. He has created illustrations for Vogue Italia, Vogue Türkiye, Tatler UK, Lampoon Italia etc. He has collaborated for brands such as Fendi, Disney/Marvel, Universal Pictures, Mondadori Electa, Liberty London etc. His works have been published in several books on contemporary art, street art and fashion illustration.